Sunday, March 31, 2013

Intellectually Bankrupt

Steve McIntyre takes apart the "FAQ" about the "extended hockeystick".

Real Climate Science™ is intellectually bankrupt.

[Update] Ross McKitrick weighs in:
This isn’t just a filibuster, they are defending themselves on the grounds that their paper made an incredibly subtle misrepresentation and it’s the reader’s fault for not noticing. Without the closing uptick, the main implication of their reconstruction is that, in the 20th century, we experienced the coldest conditions of the Holocene. With the uptick, we experienced nearly the warmest. The sharp uptick in the instrumental record can only be compared against their reconstruction if they can show their low-frequency proxies are capable of registering such events. If the 20th century portion of their reconstruction does not have the same uptick as the instrumental record, we would conclude that it could have missed similar swings in earlier centuries as well, so the absence of such swings in the earlier part of their graph tells us nothing about the presence or absence of decadal and century-scale warming events. Likewise, an annual or decadal observation from the modern instrumental record cannot be compared against values from their reconstruction, if their reconstruction is not capable of resolving events at that time scale.

But that is precisely what they do in Figure 3 of their paper, and it is the basis of their claim that “Global temperature, therefore, has risen from near the coldest to the warmest levels of the Holocene within the past century, reversing the long-term cooling trend that began ~5000 yr B.P.” Without the uptick in their proxy reconstruction this kind of statement could never have been made. The presence of the uptick in the proxy graph validates their comparison of the instrumental record against the proxy record. By admitting that the uptick is not robust and cannot be a basis for any conclusions they have undermined their own findings, root and branch.

Moreover, they can’t conceal the fact that they defended the robustness of the uptick in their paper. Marcott et al. stated that a RegEM variant reconstruction eliminated 0.6 of the 0.7 C closing uptick, but that due to data limitations the difference between reconstructions was “probably not robust” (p. 1198). In the context this implies that they consider the size of the closing uptick to be insensitive to choice of methodology, in other words that the uptick is robust.

But now they say the 20th century uptick is not robust, cannot be considered representative of global temperature changes, and is not the basis of any of our conclusions. Did they know this prior to drawing Figure 3 and inserting it in their paper, and if so, how could they not have been aware that it would convey a false impression to the reader? Contrary to Revkin, the issue isn’t just the definitive statements they made in the media but the claims they made in the paper itself.
[Update] But let's hear what Mike "the man" Mann has to say: (via)
This is an important paper. The key take-home conclusion is that the rate and magnitude of recent global warmth appears unprecedented for at least the past 4,000 years and the rate at least the past 11,000. …

But, again, the take-home conclusion: the rate of warming appears to be unprecedented as far back as the authors are able to go (to the boundary with the last ice age). And the rate of warming appears to have no analog in the past, as far back as the authors are able to go.
But, again, the take-home conclusion: Real Climate Scientists™ like Mike Mann are intellectually bankrupt, while so called "citizen scientists" like Steve McIntyre (he hates the term, BTW, because he *IS* scientifically trained and not a "mere" citizen from the street) or Ross McKitrick do their very best with their analysis and their nagging questions to keep the field scientific. Or let me paraphrase Bill Hicks:
Misrepresent your study like that, you’re off the scientific roll call forever. End of story. Everything you say is suspect. Every word that comes out of your mouth is like a t*rd falling into my drink.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Clearly Deluded

Bishop Hill:
There has been great hilarity overnight, with Stefan Lewandowsky and Skeptical Science's John Cook making complete fools of themselves again.

It started when Barry Woods was examining the supplementary data to Lewandowsky's latest paper, the one that analysed sceptic reactions to his previous carcrash paper on various blogs and tried to present these as evidence of "conspiracy ideation". Among the comments categorised as "Espousing Conspiracy Theory" was this one:
The thing I don't understand is, why didn't they just make a post on sceptic blogs themselves, rather than approaching blog owners. They could have posted as a Discussion topic here at Bishop Hill without even asking the host, and I very much doubt that the Bish would have removed it. Climate Audit also has very light-touch moderation and I doubt whether Steve McIntyre would have removed such an unsolicited post. Same probably goes for many of the sceptic blogs, in my experience. So it does appear to that they didn't try very hard to solicit views from the climate sceptic community.
Unfortunately, this was written by Richard Betts, the very mainstream head of climate impacts at the Met Office. Oh dear.

Richard seems somewhat taken aback, quizzing Skeptical Science's John Cook, a coauthor on the paper:
Hi @skepticscience, why was my comment here … "espousing conspiracy theory"?! That's just crazy. …
Cook, a winner of the Eureka award for advancing climate change knowledge, offered this hilarious response, pretending that a comment that had been categorised by him and his coauthors was "raw data":
@richardabetts supplementary data for Recursive Fury are any comments *related* to particular theory. It's raw data, not final paper.
The Universities of Western Australia and Queensland must be very proud.

The final word should go to Richard:
@wattsupwiththat @lucialiljegren @aDissentient Here … at Aug 31, 2012 at 9:00 PM. Lewandowsky et al clearly deluded!
Bonus points to Cook for for misunderstanding what "raw data" is. No, no, no: "raw data" is not some early form of a paper before it becomes a "final paper".

Futile Science-Communication

Barry Woods:
… I would personally be infuriated if I was dismissed on account of the behaviour of a group of people I talk with. Every single person I talk with has a different viewpoint, and I learn a lot about how better to communicate climate science by listening to them. If we dismiss swathes of people by association then our attempts at communication become futile: we end up only ‘preaching to the converted from an ‘ivory tower’, as it were.

Of course, if communication of climate science is not your aim, then it is your choice if you prefer to communicate with nobody! …

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Peer-Reviewed Hit-Piece

Be clear what is going on here.

1) A professor of cognitive psychology pre-publishes a trashy paper based on a phony survey whose sole purpose is clearly to denigrate the opinions of a group of people who disagree with him, and sends it to a prominent environmental journalist, who gives it world-wide publicity.

2) A number of people publicly criticise the paper, which, eight months after its first “pre-publication” is still not published.

3) The professor and a number of colleagues write a second paper, prepublished on-line, which ridicules the individuals who have criticised the first paper, mentioning them by name. .

4) The authors of the second paper plot together with three of their colleagues (two professors and a university official) arranging for them to be the first to comment on the paper on the journal’s website. The comments ridicule anyone who might comment on the paper, pre-empting their criticisms by accusing them of conspiratorial thinking.

5) Several people comment, criticising the second paper and pointing out a number of inaccuracies. (One, which was the subject of representations to the publisher, was removed. The rest remain). But those who point out the errors in the second paper had already been ridiculed and dismissed as conspiracy theorists, by two professors and a university official before their criticisms appeared, thanks to a silly conspiracy dreamed up with the paper’s authors.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Steve McIntyre breaks the "Extended Hockey Stick"

As always, Steve is brilliant.
  1. Marcott Mystery #1 
  2. No Uptick in Marcott Thesis 
  3. Marcott’s Zonal Reconstructions 
  4. How Marcottian Upticks Arise 
  5. The Marcott-Shakun Dating Service
  6. Hiding the Decline: MD01-2421
I'm sure there is more to come.

Of course there is more to come: Bent Their Core Tops In.

Why do I get the feeling that Real Climate Scientists®™ are idiots?

Micheal E Mann, A Stupid Idiot?

Sorry to regress to an ad hominem, but Michael E. Mann tries hard to prove that he is an idiot, in addition to being an egoistic primadonna and anti-scientific hack:
Apparently #AnthonyWatts not denying instrumental record of warming, so I withdraw the claim. Of course, he's still a #climatechange #denier
Anthony Watts is not denying the instrumental record of warming, but still a Climate Change Denier®™


What the heck.

[Postscript] Does it strike anybody at least as "odd" that the good Michael E Mann seems to be Twittering the whole day? When does he find the time to do some Real Climate Science®™?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Wordpress suspended "The Road To Endeavour" blog for TOS-violation?

I can't believe that! The Road To Endeavour is gone! I am really scratching my head as to what went wrong there. There was nothing remotely that I would think of as being in violation of the Wordpress' Terms Of Service.

I hope this was an error and the blog will return shortly.

[Update] Stu already tweeted about it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Was Vesta hit side on?

Just speculating here, but what if Vesta was hit side on, and then "erected" itself due to the imbalance? Would explain the fast rotational period of Vesta.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why the pope has stepped down

From "The Onion":

“It is with sadness, but steadfast conviction, that I announce I am no longer capable of impeding social progress with the energy and endurance that is required of the highest ministry in the Roman Catholic Church,” Benedict reportedly said in Latin to the Vatican’s highest cardinals. “While I’m proud of the strides the Church has made over the past eight years, from thwarting AIDS-prevention efforts in Africa to failing to punish or even admit to decades of sexual abuse of children at the hands of clergy, it has become evident to me that, in this rapidly evolving world, I now lack the capacity to continue guiding this faith back centuries.”

“Thus, I must step down from the papacy,” he added. “But let me assure every member of the Church that the Vatican’s commitment to narrow-mindedness and social obstruction will long live on after my departure.”

“I’ll always appreciate what Benedict XVI did for limiting my ability to receive basic health care services,” said devout Catholic Ana Maria Fernández of Buenos Aires. “He was a visionary leader who was undaunted by modern realities and social trends, always vowing to triumph over modern ideals of fairness, equality, and in many cases, even basic human compassion to achieve a darker, far more regressive world for all of us.”

“I doubt we’ll ever find another leader so committed to reversing society’s natural progression of post-Enlightenment values,” Fernández added. “He will truly be missed.” …

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The US brought torture and death squads from Latin America to Iraq

They call it "counterinsurgency".
The pattern in Iraq provides an eerie parallel to the well-documented human rights abuses committed by US-advised and funded paramilitary squads in Central America in the 1980s. Steele was head of a US team of special military advisers that trained units of El Salvador's security forces in counterinsurgency. Petraeus visited El Salvador in 1986 while Steele was there and became a major advocate of counterinsurgency methods.
More in The Guardian

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tricky Mike

Steve McIntyre on Mike’s AGU Trick.

As John Lennon sang: Gimme some truth.
I've had enough of watching scenes
Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth