Monday, October 28, 2013

We, The People, Demand Bug-Free Software!

Matt Bors:
Thinking further about the bugs on, it occurred to me that I’ve *never* been able to apply for health insurance online. Perhaps things have changed since the last time I applied — which was only a couple years ago — but I’ve always had to fill out pages and pages of forms. It was excruciating, and often took upwards of a week with all the researching of my own medical history. Yes, it would have been nice if the website rollout hadn’t been fubared, but I’ll probably be able to sign up next month with the help of a navigator. I’m dreading this process much less than I did in the past.
This clearly shows that the American people the vocal "right leaning" majority don't particularly mind being fucked in the a treated like shit, as long as they are treated like shit by major corporations, and not the government.*

Because, you know, major corporations are good while the government is bad, because major corporations work in the interest of the share holders, while the government works only in their own lazy self-interest (I take it the government is mainly interested in burning large stacks of money on the National Mall every Friday afternoon, while the shareholders of major corporations stimulate the economy through the purchase of luxury goods as often as they can).

And so when private insurance companies make arcane websites (since the Internet exists, I'm tempted to write) that look like they are purposely made to be unusable, this is OK. But ho, when the government on the other hand lets the cheapest bidder roll out (under time pressure, considering what a large project such a "website" is) something that initially does not work as it should, then this is clearly evidence of the malfeasance, ineptitude and/or general evilness of the government.

* They are perfectly happy to get sub-par health treatment (even embargo-stricken Cuba seems to be better, if only slightly) for twice the price the rest of the industrialized world pays. Seriously, it is – on average – twice as expensive to get treatment in the USA than any other industrialized nation, and that is not including the cases where people get robbed blind if they end up un-insured and in need of medical assistance (and don't choose to let Nature do its thing – which sometimes might be better than seeking medical attention). If how ever Obama – grasp! – picks up Romney's (!) half-way sensible plans for health insurance, it is the end of the world. But thankfully they can discuss shortcomings of cheaply-build and freshly-rolled-out websites, while tragically missing the point. Americans are stupid The vocal majority is stupid.

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