Friday, February 3, 2012

The folly of calculating an average temperature for the entire globe

Just take a look at the graph above, and tell me what the meaning behind calculating a "global average temperature" is.

By the way, this story is funny: Al Gore goes to the Antarctica and the weather is unusually cold. Dire warning about the globe warming. So this comment from WattsUpWithThat is nice:
From the sound of it you’d think that they were baking down there in Antarctica, like they’d seen all kinds of warmer than normal temperatures, penguins wearing sunhats, leopard seals changing their spots, or something warm and not all that fuzzy.

But if you look at Figure 1, you’ll see that the area right where they are is running about 15°C (27°F) colder than normal … and normal even in the summer is kinda cold to start with.

Thank goodness for the Gore effect. Just think of what rubbish those jokers would have written if it had been 27°F warmer than normal down there, or 54°F warmer than what they are actually experiencing … we’d never have heard the end of it. They would have blogged every drop of sweat running down the side of their iced drinks on the cruise ship. Glad to see that justice still can prevail.

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