Thursday, February 2, 2012

How to make the text in Blogspot postings "Justified" by default

Please verify that you know what you are doing. If you break something on your blog, it is not my fault – but if it works, I will take all credit for it! :-)

To make all the text in all posting on Blogger "Justified" by default (to make text flush on left and right, and get rid of the ragged right edge), you can try the following:
  1. Select Design from your Blogger Dashboard
  2. Then select Template Designer 
  3. Then select Advanced 
  4.  Scroll down and select Add CSS 
Now you can add the following text to the box labeled "Add custom CSS":
.post-body {
Select "APPLY TO BLOG" and you should be done.

You can always overwrite the default behavior. If you want a paragraph with a ragged edge (or centered), just select the paragraph in the posting editor and select the appropriate text alignment icon from the toolbar.

Similarly, if you are crazy (and who am I to judge?) and want other default behavior, instead of text-align:justify; you could use text-align:center; or text-align:right; (or the default or text-align:left;) in your added CSS.

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